Name: Jami D.
City: Dayton, TN
Kids: Ashton~9, Keaton~7, Cohen~3, Harrison~1
Occupation: SAHM, Homeschooler, Professional Photographer, Yoga Instructor, Cloth-Diaperer for 2+years (that's a job, right?! And my dictionary says cloth-diaperer is not a real word. I guess I made that up), New Word Creator, and Wife for 11 really awesome years.
What is your favorite cloth diaper? Bumboo Bamboo or BumGenius 3.1 or higher
What is your nighttime diapering routine? Bumboo Bamboo diaper, Bumboo Bamboo liner, Thirsties cover
What is your particular style of parenting? We dance a lot. Is that a style?
What were your reasons for choosing cloth diapers? First, it was for economical and environmental reasons. Now, I am just so passionate about it, that I can't stop once I start talking about all the reasons I do it. So I will just stick with "economical and environmental".
What is your favorite meal to prepare for your family? Absolutely depends on the season. Summer: Big Salads with Homemade Cornbread Croutons. Fall: Super Duper Thick Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Tomato Soup. Winter: Shepherd's Pie (with tons of thyme and my secret ingredient, shredded sweet potatoes). Spring: that's a toughy...either Egg Salad, or Quiche with Soyrizo and Spinach.
What is your favorite thing about being a mom? Least favorite? Favorite: Rubbing soft little baby feet, the constant supply of funny mispronunciations or made up words, and hearing the phrase "I love you mommy". Least Favorite: spraying a poo diaper that has little nasty bits of corn or half digested beans milling about in it, lack of adequate sleep, and dealing with morning sickness while trying to take care of my other children.
How do you make time for yourself? Early Bed Times. Maybe that should be in caps. EARLY BED TIMES. Also, I have a scheduled Saturday (every second Saturday) and Sunday (every last Sunday) a month where my husband packs the kids up right before lunchtime and I don't see them again until bedtime. A quiet house to myself. Do not mess with my "me" days.
Favorite Quote? "It isn't the ones who die with the most toys who win. It's those who've loved their families well and know the joy of having that love returned." -- R. Ruth Baron
What advice do you have for new "cloth diaperers"? Don't go crazy on the detergent; a little is all you need. And, research before you buy.
Super Power? The ability to yell without it sounding like actual yelling.
If you want to read more about the Super Life of Jami D. you can check out her blog at