Name: Jennifer J.
City: Fall River, Massachusetts
Kids' names and ages: Evangeline 8 months, and Seamus the Boxer 3 years
Occupation: Part-time retail associate, perpetual student, and full-time wife and mom.
What is your favorite cloth diaper? : We use both cloth and disposable diapers. I typically use unbleached pre-folds (I love how they soften and quilt up in the wash!) with Thirsties Duo covers. I also love AppleCheeks, and if my budget was larger I would add several more to my stash!
What is your nighttime diapering routine? I use disposables at night. I know, I know. Bad Mommy! But I'm fortunate in that I have a lovely baby who sleeps 10-12 hours each night.
She's also a fairly heavy wetter. I haven't managed to find a nighttime cloth diapering routine that keeps the crib from flooding!
What is your particular style of parenting? My parenting style and philosophy tends to gravitate toward the Attachment Parenting camp. I like to wear Evangeline in my trusty wrap (although, she's getting a bit too big for it these days), and I try not to rely too much on "baby gear." What I want more than anything is to have a strong bond with my daughter and for her to know she is loved unconditionally.
What are your reasons for cloth diapering? My reasons for cloth diapering are that it's economical and convenient. Yes, I said "convenient." If Evangeline is out of clean diapers, I can wash some more. I don't have to pack her up, make a run to the market, pay a small fortune, and buy a pack of disposables. And, yes, we do use disposables as well, but it's not a big deal if we run out. I'm writing this as we expect to receive 18-24 inches of snow overnight, so getting to the market won't even be possible tomorrow!
What is your favorite meal to prepare for your family? I love batch cooking, especially soups and stews. Those dishes always make the best leftovers! My favorite is Five Bean Turkey Chili. I also love making pasta with homemade sauces.
What is your favorite thing about being a mom? Least favorite? My favorite thing about being a mom is--well, my daughter, and how loving her has truly made me a better person. My least favorite thing, without a doubt, is that thing all of us moms feel at one time or another: GUILT!
What do you do to make time for yourself? I work part-time, so sometimes I leave the house early for my shifts. I take the scenic route, I listen to music or catch up on my favorite podcasts. I sometimes stop for coffee. It helps me work better both at home and on the job. Also, I have a husband who doesn't expect me to carry the whole burden and very eager grandparents who frequently kidnap their granddaughter. I work part-time as well, which helps preserve my sanity.
Favorite quote: At the moment--"It sometimes happens that a woman is handsomer at twenty-nine than she was ten years before." ~Jane Austen
Advice for new cloth diapering moms: Don't get too discouraged if, while doing your research, you find yourself feeling overwhelmed. Try as many different kinds of diapers as your budget allows and find something that works for your family. You can always sell the diapers that don't work for you through a cloth diaper exchange to help recoup some of the cost. And don't be afraid of the poop. As a mother, whether you use cloth or disposables, you WILL get pooped on.
Super power? I have an amazing voice recognition talent. I can name the actors from random commercial voice overs, cartoon voice overs, etc. I'm the IMDb of voices.