Super Mom Spotlight: Cori T.
Name: Cori T.
City: Indiahoma, OK
Kids: Rocco Gentry, 3 months
Occupation: X-Ray Technologist/collector of useless college degrees
What is your favorite cloth diaper? I rotate between FuzziBunz OS, Rumparooz, & newly acquired Happy Heinys.
What is your nighttime diapering routine? For some reason I always stick to a FuzziBunz OS with one micro fiber insert and one hemp Happy Heinys Stuffins. It always works. And once it's on, Rocco's little tush takes on the physical characteristics of a football helmet.
What is your particular style of parenting? Laughter. Major doses of laughter. Poor Rocco has no chance with us. He cries...we laugh. He pees on us...we laugh. Now that I think about it this could actually be sleep deprivation. Is that a style?? Really I just stick with the belief that whatever works for our family is right for us. The end.
What were your reasons for cloth diapering? Aside from the obvious reason of wanting to annoy the bajeezus out of my husband by reminding him how much of a hippie he married? I kid, I kid. While terrified in the beginning, he totally loves them now. We do it to save money. Which is totally backfiring because all I want to do is buy. more. diapers.
What is your favorite meal to prepare for your family? While pregnant I renewed my affinity for grilling. Which was STUPID because summer in Oklahoma is hotter than Eric Northman from True Blood. That being said, I will totally throw down on some steaks with grilled peppers, asparagus, and mushrooms. Especially if it's college football season. Oh yes.
What is your favorite thing about being a mom? Least favorite? Favorite- The #1 inarguable (and BEST) reason to bail on ANYTHING. Oh I really would LOVE to hear all about your awesome kid/vacation/things I can't afford and look at all 1,278 pictures you took of that leaf, but I've got to go feed my son. Least favorite- Once you have a kid everyone thinks you are supposed to be all mature and what not. Pffft. Also, I have a sudden urge to be stabby when people touch my kid without asking if it's ok.
What do you do to make time for yourself? There isn't a lot of that happening since it seems like I am constantly nursing Rocco. Because he's a giant. So what I do is put as much money into Rocco's college savings so that he can go to a nice college. Far away. Preferably for his masters.
List favorite quote: "There is no other organ quite like the uterus. If men had such an organ they would brag about it."
What advice do you have for new cloth diapering moms? Don't be surprised how many people will question this. The only person that needs to know how amazingly AWESOME cloth diapering is would be you. And your significant other. And tell anyone who turns their nose up at you to shove it. Juuuust kidding. Kind of. Never be apologetic for something that works for your family.
Super Power? I can see your bones. MWAHAHAHA!! Sorry...too much?